843-247-2049 | 843-842-4433

Artistic Painting

The Bold Palette of Painter Rhett Thurman at The Red Piano Art Gallery

The Red Piano Art Gallery is proud to feature the vibrant and expressive work of Rhett Thurman, a nationally acclaimed painter whose oils and watercolors have captured the hearts of art lovers from coast to coast. Born in the picturesque [...]

Celebrating Color and Light: Painter Betty Anglin Smith at the Red Piano Art Gallery

The Red Piano Art Gallery is proud to feature the vibrant works of Betty Anglin Smith, a celebrated painter whose artistic vision has been shaped by the lush landscapes and historic ambiance of Charleston, SC. For over four decades, Betty [...]

2024-09-05T14:23:06+00:00September 5, 2024|Categories: Artistic Painting|Tags: , |